
Travelers Guide to Iceland

A visit to Viking territory, Reykjavik Iceland, has got me hooked on blond hair and blue eyes, hot dogs, salmon, small towns, public art, off-beat fashion and partying. This metropolitan city and its residents will steal your heart. If you ever find yourself in Reykjavik on a layover, take an extended stay. You won’t regret it!

Here are some hot spots:

Kex Hostile – Stylish hostile to stay in or grab a beer.
Fríða Frænka – Epic antique shop crowded with modern Danish teak furniture.
Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur – The best hot dog in town.
Kolaportið – Flea market downtown, since 1989.
Kron -  A candy-store for your feet.
Bókabúð Máls & Menningar – Get your Icelandic literature, a little limited in the English language

You can find more pictures on my Flickr account.